DUSHH..kena tag lagi..bagus gak..tengah2 aku tak de idea nak post entry,better jawab tag..ye tak?here goes nothing..(guna template jawapan awek aku sudah..jangan marah ye baby..hehe)

What is your name?
Mohd Khairol Bin Ghani

How old are you?
23 lagi..tapi awek aku kata dia 24,so tak kan aku lagi muda..24 juga la..

What are the 3 electronics you can’t live without?

Are you amazing?
amazing?tak..aku gorgeous(awek aku kata..hehe)

What is the brand of the phone you are using?

Nokia 6660 ngan SE W580i

What color is your phone?
Silver,kelabu ngan hitam

Have you slept in school before?
Selalu..time kelas Fizik..sori En.Mahazir

How long are you online in a day?
Isnin-Jumaat=Start pukul 8.15am-1,2-5.15,8-12pm
Sabtu-Ahad=Depend..ikut suka

How would you describe yourself?
kacak,bergaya dan berkerjaya(uwekkkkkkkkk)

What’s your favourite topic to talk about?
Benda yang lucuh(lucu+lucah)..hahaha..tipu je..apap pun boleh

Which teacher do you like?
Cikgu Kimia aku,En Elangkovan..masuk kelas nyanyi lagu "kecik2,lembu jaga"..ntah lagu apa ntah..sampai sekarang aku tak tau

Who do you think is the most handsomest in your class?
nak kena jawab ke?kang org kata aku gay..

Who are you currently aiming on?
Who?kalau What ada la..

Do you know a lot of your siblings’ secret?
tak..diorang tak share pun ngan aku..walaupun aku ni abang

How do you rate your siblings?
rate camna?tak reti

Are your siblings gorgeous?
dah abang gorgeous,adik2 pun sama la

Do you judge people?
judge tu hakim..hakim tu housemate aku dulu masa kat putrajaya

Do you run?
Run Forest..run..(ayat citer Forest Gum-Tom Hanks)

Are you lazy to tag people?
yup..mana tau ni?

Who was the last person you spoke on the phone?
my awek..baru je tadi..

What is 2 + 2?

two plus two=plusliner bus

Who is your idol?
Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.(cita2 dari kecik)

Are you a monster?
cookies monster..tak dela..aku baik je

Do you play with Barbie dolls?
soalan apakah ini?kalau bear adik aku tu,aku jadikan bola je,main ngan adik2 lelaki aku..tapi barbie doll..tak de dalam diari hidup

What was the last movie you watched?
Cicak man 2(tak best..siap org kuar awal lagi)

What do you think of your English?

What do you think about your Bahasa Malaysia?
ok aja dong..gue biasa aja..

Who do you hate?
tak suka benci sape2..nanti kena balik

Do you love yourself?
yes..tak hisap rokok,tak minum arak,tak bawa motor laju2,tak hisap dadah..

Blurt out 5 random words ~
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and deoyribonucleic acid(ambik ko..ni je sebatian kimia yg terlintas kat kexpala..EDTA ngan DNA)

People I tag
yana,epul,budakhijaugilew,lin,apis rosli..cukup kot..

2 maklum balas:

Unknown berkata...

siannya teddy bear..isk

BudAk hijAu berkata...

perlu kew tag aku...